
Gene Symbol Curated Descriptions Cell Lines Isolationssort descending Validations Control-case Tumor Stage & Subtype Clinical Use PMID
hsa-miR-1246 Hsa-miR-1246 promotes cell proliferation,invasion and drug resistance by targeting CCNG2 in breast cancer MDA-MB-231 ultracentrifugation scanning electron and confocal microscopy metastasis 29216623
hsa-miR-130a Comparing the miRNAs in MDA-Exo to MCF-Exo showed a higher expression of tumorigenic mir-130a in MDA-Exo. it has been shown that mir-130a contribute to tumorigenesis of colon cancer by regulating TGB-β/Smad signaling MCF7,MDA-MB231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 24468161
hsa-miR-200 Promote mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition and colonisation of metastatic sites 4T1 ultracentrifugation transmission electron microscopy metastasis 28038441
hsa-miR-210 The hypoxically regulated miR-210 was identified to be present at elevated levels in hypoxic exosome fractions MCF7,SKBR3,MDA-MB-231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 22998595
hsa-miR-222 Hsa-miR-222-rich D/exo could alter PTEN expression in acquired cells that may spread resistance capacity MCF7 ultracentrifugation transmission electron microscopy drug resistance 24740415
hsa-miR-223 MiR-223 promoted the invasion of breast cancer cells via the Mef2c-β-catenin pathway MDA-MB-231 ultracentrifugation electronic microscopy 21939504
hsa-miR-301a MCF-Exo contains a higher amount of hsa-miR-301a,and overexpression has been considered a negative prognostic indicator in lymph node-negative (LNN) invasive ductal breast cancer MCF7,MDA-MB231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy metastasis 24468161
hsa-miR-30a Target gene prediction and pathway analysis showed the involvement of miR-100, miR-222, and miR-30a in pathways implicated in cancer pathogenesis, membrane vesiculation and therapy failure,the transmition of chemoresistance by a horizontal transfer of miRNAs MCF7 ultracentrifugation transmission electron microscopy drug resistance 24740415
hsa-miR-328 MDA-Exo also contains significant amounts of hsa-miR-328,which has been shown to target CD44,reduce cell adhesion,enhance cell migration and regulate capillary structure formation MCF7,MDA-MB231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy metastasis 24468161
hsa-miR-34a MCF-Exo also contains mir-34a, which regulates several genes including p53 MCF7,MDA-MB231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 24468161
