
Gene Symbol Curated Descriptions Cell Lines Isolations Validations Control-case Tumor Stage & Subtypesort descending Clinical Use PMID
TRPC5 CirExo-TRPC5 might act as a noninvasive chemoresistance marker and might serve as an adjuvant to the current imaging examination-based chemoresistance ultracentrifugation Immunofluorescence confocal laser scanning microscope 131 breast cancer female patients (case) Anthracycline/taxane-based chemotherapy 28032400
Del-1 As the current prospective cohort study demonstrated a normalization of exosomal Del-1 after curative surgery, exosomal Del-1 can be confirmed as a potent diagnostic biomarker for breast cancer. Plus, a high Del-1 level after surgery seems related with early relapse suggesting a potential prognostic marker by identifying the existence of residual tumor ultracentrifugation transmission electron microscopy 114 breast cancer patients (case) diagnosis Link
CD47 A differential CD47 expression in blood-derived individual circulating exosomes that is correlated with breast cancer status, demonstrating a great potential of individual exosome profiles in biomarker discovery MDA-MB-231,MCF-12A ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 50 breast cancer samples (case) 40 healthy samples (control) diagnosis 27819324
GSTP1 Affecting drug metabolism---Anthracycline/taxane-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy MCF7 ultracentrifugation transmission electron microscopy drug resistance 28438694
ABCB1 Exosomes are effective in transferring drug resistance as well as P-gp from drug-resistant breast cancer cells to sensitive ones. The delivery of P-gp via exosomes may be a mechanism of exosome-mediated drug resistance transfer MCF7 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy drug resistance 25077924
hsa-miR-1246 Hsa-miR-1246 promotes cell proliferation,invasion and drug resistance by targeting CCNG2 in breast cancer MDA-MB-231 ultracentrifugation scanning electron and confocal microscopy metastasis 29216623
UCHL1 UCH-L1-containing exosomes can transfer chemoresistance to recipient cells and these exosomes may be useful as non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers for detection of chemoresitance in breast cancer patients, achieving more effective and individualized chemotherapy MCF7 ultracentrifugation transmission electron microscopy chemotherapy 28334432
CD24 We suggest that CD24 could be an additional marker for the enrichment of tumor-derived exosomes from blood AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen,Hilden,Germany) centrifugation electron microscopy 8 breast cancer samples (case) 6 Lung cancer patients (control) 21601258
hsa-miR-130a Comparing the miRNAs in MDA-Exo to MCF-Exo showed a higher expression of tumorigenic mir-130a in MDA-Exo. it has been shown that mir-130a contribute to tumorigenesis of colon cancer by regulating TGB-β/Smad signaling MCF7,MDA-MB231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 24468161
hsa-miR-195 Preliminary data indicated that detection of cancer-specific miRNA (miR-103, miR-191, miR-195) in exosomes associated with the fraction of red blood cells allowed to discriminate HFs and BCPs more precisely compared to cell-free exosomes circulating in plasma centrifugation transmission electron microscopy 10 patients (case) 10 healthy donors (control) 30868953
