
Gene Symbol Curated Descriptions Cell Lines Isolations Validationssort descending Control-case Tumor Stage & Subtype Clinical Use PMID
hsa-miR-301a MCF-Exo contains a higher amount of hsa-miR-301a,and overexpression has been considered a negative prognostic indicator in lymph node-negative (LNN) invasive ductal breast cancer MCF7,MDA-MB231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy metastasis 24468161
hsa-miR-130a Comparing the miRNAs in MDA-Exo to MCF-Exo showed a higher expression of tumorigenic mir-130a in MDA-Exo. it has been shown that mir-130a contribute to tumorigenesis of colon cancer by regulating TGB-β/Smad signaling MCF7,MDA-MB231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 24468161
hsa-miR-106b The mir-106b is found in higher levels in MCF-Eox as well, which can promote breast cancer invasion and metastasis by targeting BRMS1 and RB MCF7,MDA-MB231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 24468161
hsa-miR-105 Hsa-miR-105 has significantly up-regulated and has been extensively implicated in cancer progression MDA-MB-231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy metastasis 24735924
CD24 We suggest that CD24 could be an additional marker for the enrichment of tumor-derived exosomes from blood AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen,Hilden,Germany) centrifugation electron microscopy 8 breast cancer samples (case) 6 Lung cancer patients (control) 21601258
RN7SL1 Unshielded RN7SL1 in exosomes acts as a DAMP and activates breast cancer RIG-I to promote aggressive features of cancer centrifugation electron microscopy metastasis and therapy resistance 28709002
hsa-miR-34a MCF-Exo also contains mir-34a, which regulates several genes including p53 MCF7,MDA-MB231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 24468161
CD47 A differential CD47 expression in blood-derived individual circulating exosomes that is correlated with breast cancer status, demonstrating a great potential of individual exosome profiles in biomarker discovery MDA-MB-231,MCF-12A ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 50 breast cancer samples (case) 40 healthy samples (control) diagnosis 27819324
hsa-miR-503 Our data are the first to reveal the involvement of the endothelium in the modulation of tumor development via the secretion of circulating miR-503 in response to chemotherapy treatment MDA-MB-231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 29 breast cancer samples (case) primary breast cancer neoadjuvant chemotherapy 25860935
S1PR2 S1P2 is released from breast cancer cells in exosomes and is processed by fibroblasts to promote ERK signaling and proliferation of breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231 ultracentrifugation electron microscopy 30034630
